Created by Dayton yogis Tori M Reynolds and Benjamin J S Rivet, GO W/ THE FLOW is a collision of music and movement that has catapulted the charismatic duo around the country and back since 2012. Tori’s grounded and playful vinyasa sequence taps into the importance of steady and powerful breathing by linking it to the tempo of Ben’s live-looped guitar, beatboxing and vocals. While the beat guides the breath, each student helps set the tone of class, and intuitive improvisation between Rivet and Reynolds results in an immerisve and perfectly unique experience. GWTF has become more than vinyasa set to live music. It is an ever-changing experiment in yogic presence, rhythmic mediation, and the strength of human connection. So, drop your expectations, pick up your mat, and discover what a #gowtheflow outlook can do for your life and your practice.
GO W/ THE FLOW (1/1/18)
GWTF Live Instrumental (1/1/18)
Extrapolated from this very GO W/ THE FLOW yoga class on January 1st 2018, this live recording features multi-instrumentalist BJSR performing an hour-long solo musical performance unlike anything you've heard before. Improvised layered guitar riffs, beatboxed grooves and lush vocal soundscapes build and envelope you in a tonal space that resembles hip-hop, dance, pop and world. Each of the 11 tracks seamlessly transition over the course of the album emulating the arc and dynamics of a power vinyasa yoga flow.
After over 6 years of GWTF performances around the country I'm VERY excited to finally share this music under his BJSR moniker on all major platforms for your streaming pleasure.
Our hope is that this new offering will extend far beyond the yoga mat into your wonderful lives. Enjoy, repeat, share, repeat
🙏 namaste!